Our work at the Cipla Palliative Care & Training Centre, Pune, has inspired us to support quality palliative care service across the country. We’ve been partnering with governmental, non-governmental and community-based organisations to provide direct palliative care services to patients and increase awareness about palliative care.
Our support enables a core team of doctors, nurses, social workers and counsellors to serve patients admitted to hospitals or visiting out-patient clinics or in their homes.
Currently we have partnerships and collaborations with 30 partners in 27 cities across India.

In 2023-24
- 50,000+ patients and families cared for
- 30 palliative care organisations supported in 42 projects
- 27 cities reached across India

To provide palliative care services as close to diagnosis as possible to all patients, especially the most vulnerable, we adopt a multi-pronged approach:
- Integrate palliative care within cancer treatment
- Strengthen homecare services
- Make palliative care possible for illnesses beyond cancer
- Increase access and awareness for pediatric palliative care